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Muslim Khasenov, Member of the National Commission on Women and Family, Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Completes Work of the Public Chamber at the Majilis of the

Astana, June 24, House of Majilis. The Public Chamber at the Majilis concluded its work in the second session of the eighth convocation. Muslim Khasenov, a member of the National Commission on Women and Family, Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a member of the Club of Young Experts under the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and an international legal expert, actively participated in this session.

At the final meeting, Chairman of the Majilis Yerlan Koshanov thanked the members of the Public Chamber for their fruitful work and highlighted its main achievements. During the second session, the Public Chamber held ten meetings, three of which were field sessions. Topics discussed included legislative amendments to toughen penalties for any form of violence against minors, issues of combating illegal drug trafficking, consumer protection law projects, anti-corruption issues, gambling business regulations, state statistics, and the Budget Code project.

Chairman of the Chamber Aidos Sarym reported that field sessions on media and science bills were held in Almaty, and the new public procurement law project was discussed at the Ministry of Finance's Electronic Finance Center. Summarizing the work of the Public Chamber, Yerlan Koshanov noted that its work plan was synchronized with the legislative work of the Majilis, giving a special practical focus to all discussions.

At the meeting, the chairmen of the Majilis' profile committees also spoke. They provided feedback to the Public Chamber members on their recommendations made during the preparation of the bills. Chairman of the Social and Cultural Development Committee Askhat Aimagambetov noted the significant contribution of Public Chamber experts, including Muslim Khasenov, in developing legal norms aimed at preventing suicide.

Based on the proposals of Muslim Khasenov, the committee developed a legal norm that introduces criminal liability for promoting suicide (a fine of 200 MCI) for the first time and strengthens liability for suicide or incitement to suicide, with imprisonment for a term of five to nine years. Additionally, administrative liability was introduced for the harassment of minors and cyberbullying (a fine of 10 MCI).

Members of the Public Chamber also proposed accelerating the opening of Family Support Centers in the regions, actively participated in the work on laws regarding mass media, lotteries and gambling business, science, and technological policy. Snejanna Imasheva, Chair of the Legislative and Judicial-Legal Reform Committee, spoke about the role of experts in developing amendments to combat illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors.

Chairman of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development Nurtay Sabilyanov thanked the members of the Public Chamber for their cooperation in working on amendments to state statistics and data management issues, the new public procurement law, and ongoing work on the consumer protection bill.

At the end of the meeting, the Speaker of the Majilis noted the most active experts from the Public Chamber with letters of appreciation and wished everyone fruitful work in the new session.