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"Salamatty Kazakhstan" today

Medical train "Salamatty Kazakhstan" continues its work in West Kazakhstan region. The next destination was the station "Peremetnaya" (Peremetnyi settlement) of Baiterek district, where more than 6,000 people live. The social project, supported by the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Samruk-Kazyna JSC, is a necessary assistance to the inhabitants of villages, including Peremetnaya settlement. Here the team of qualified specialists will stay for 2 days.

By tradition, the beginning of the train marked the opening ceremony. B. Narymbetov - deputy akim of the region, chairman of the commission on women's affairs and family and demographic policy under the akim of West Kazakhstan region, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech and handed a letter of thanks to the staff of the train on behalf of the akim of West Kazakhstan region N. Turegaliev.

During the opening ceremony, Ainur Eginbaeva, the head doctor of the medical train, and Aishat Gabbasova, a lawyer, explained to the residents what kind of assistance is provided by specialists - medics, psychologist, lawyer and mediator. In addition, there is a visiting brigade to the bedridden patients.

All medical cars are equipped with the necessary modern equipment for primary examination and prompt assistance. Deputy akim of the region B. Narymbetov, akim of Baiterek district M. Tukzhanov, head of regional department of public development, member of commission on women affairs and family-demographic policy at akim of West Kazakhstan region G. Shokeeva, deputy head of regional department of education, member of commission on women affairs and family-demographic policy at akim of West Kazakhstan region G. Abdrakhmanova, public representative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of commission on women affairs and family-demographic policy at akim of West Kazakhstan region G. Shokeeva.

Abdrakhmanova, public figure G. Kapakov, member of the public council of West Kazakhstan region and working group of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on primary medical sanitary assistance K. Azhgulova, other responsible persons familiarized themselves with the equipment of "offices" and laboratories, talked to each specialist.

The villagers expressed their gratitude to the staff of the medical train "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for professionalism, sensitivity, attentiveness.

The work of the train continues. Ahead of 6 more stations in three districts of the region.
The schedule of work of the mobile team - from 9 am to 18.00 hours.