Consortium and research
Consortium of Research Organizations in the Field of Family, Gender, and Demographic Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Consortium of Research Organizations in the Field of Family, Gender, and Demographic Policy was established on October 20, 2023.

Goals of the Consortium:
  1. To consolidate existing knowledge and research, and to implement scientific and research projects at the local, national, and international levels.
  2. To promote a scientifically grounded approach in implementing family, gender, and demographic policy through collaboration with the National Commission on Women and Family-Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Objectives of the Consortium:
  1. Develop consolidated recommendations on family, gender, and demographic policy implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and present them at the meetings of the National Commission on Women and Family-Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Create a unified database of researchers, research organizations, and works in the field of family, gender, and demographic policy in Kazakhstan.
  3. Conduct joint scientific and expert events.
    «Research on family, demography and gender»

    Articles, Dissertations, Research (2019-2024)
    1. Rakhmetova R. Psychological Readiness of Kazakh Youth for Family Life (2019)
    2. Koksheeva Z. Psychological Features of Young Family Relationships during Crises (2019)
    3. Sdykov S. Structural Guarantees of Mediation in Family Disputes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Abroad (2019)
    4. Abenova K. Social Significance of Preparing Youth for Family Life (2019)
    5. Dosbol P. Features of Social and Pedagogical Support for Children with Disabilities in Rehabilitation Centers (2019)
    6. Nurmukhambetova T. National Values in Family Communication Culture (2019)
    7. Stybaeva A. Current Issues in Preparing Youth for Family Life (2019)
    8. Utebaeva A. Prerequisites for Forming a Culture of Family Communication (2019)
    9. Murzagulova M. Causes of Conflict Situations in Families (2019)
    10. Zulkarnayeva Zh. Cooperation Between Family and Child (2019)
    11. Togaybaeva A. The Foundation of Legal Education Starts with the Family (2019)
    12. Erkebulan Zh. Kazakh Family: Traditions and Modernity (2019)
    13. Temirzhan A. Social Issues in Preparing Youth for Family Life (2019)
    14. Maylybayeva G. The Role of Family in Forming Communication Culture in Primary School Students (2019)
    15. Espenova T. Public Perception of Issues Faced by Large Families (2019)
    16. Sydykova S. Development of Family Mediation in Kazakhstan (2019)
    17. Nurkatova L. Foreign Models of Social Services for Vulnerable Families (2019)
    18. Faizulina F. Study of Marital Satisfaction in Young and Mature Families (2019)
    19. Bayalieva G. Family as a Socialization Factor for Adolescents and Young Adults (2019)
    20. Baudiarova K. Psychology of Children in Divorced Families (2019)
    21. Sapara N. Family Values Amid Social and Economic Changes in Kazakhstan (2019)
    22. Sadykova K. Further Specialization of Courts: Creation of Family Courts (2019)
    23. Lepeshev D. Modern Issues in Researching Family Values and National Traditions in Contemporary Kazakh Families (2019)
    24. Nurgaliyev K. Contemporary Kazakhstani Family Values (2019)
    25. Yeraly M. Role of Family Education in Social and Psychological Adaptation of Children (2019)
    26. Iskakova Zh. State Family Policy in Kazakhstan: Current State and Development Trends (2019)
    27. Tatarinova L. Problems in Applying Family Legislation Norms in Cross-Border Marriages (2019)
    28. Shaimerdenova M. Role of Family as a Key Social Institution Amidst Public Consciousness Modernization (2019)
    29. Iskakova Zh. Traditional Ways to Resolve Family Conflicts Among Ethnic Groups in Kazakhstan and Their Impact on State Family Policy (2019)
    30. Bedelbekova S. Marriage and Family Relations in Private International Law (2019)
    31. Koilybayeva R. et al. Family Values Reflecting National Characteristics (2020)
    32. Bakytyanova A. et al. Social Research on Domestic Violence Against Women (2020)
    33. Shalginbayeva K. et al. Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Women Suffering from Domestic Violence (2020)
    34. Shyngalieva A. et al. Social Support for Large Families (2020)
    35. Aliarov E. et al. Impact of Social Conflicts on State Decisions (2020)
    36. Sarsenova B. et al. Sociological Analysis of Young Families (2020)
    37. Koilybayeva R. et al. Main Features of Family Discourse (2020)
    38. Iskakova P. et al. Mother-Daughter Relationships in Families (2020)
    39. Serikova A. et al. Family Psychology and Its Functions (2020)
    40. Koksheeva Z. et al. Psychological Climate and Harmony in Family Relationships (2020)
    41. Jaynakbayev N. et al. Call Center Experience in Providing Psychological Assistance to Families with Children with Disabilities (2020)
    42. Rymkhanova A. et al. Family as a Socialization Institution. Studying Issues of Large Families (2020)
    43. Sautbayeva S. et al. National Regulation of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Family Conflicts (2020)
    44. Toktybekov T. et al. International Legal Problems of Marriage Relations (2020)
    45. Barinova E. Structural Organization of Men's Family Self-Consciousness (2020)
    46. Sartaeva N. Analysis of Legislation in CIS Countries on Domestic Violence (2020)
    47. Trushkova A. Family Relations Complicated by Foreign Elements (2020)
    48. Tokhtamysh V. et al. Legal Regulation of Combating Domestic Violence in Russia and Kazakhstan (2020)
    49. Rakhmetov S. Issues in Improving Legislation on Combating Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan (2020)
    50. Lepeshev D., Nakatkova O. Modern Issues in Researching Family Values and National Traditions in Contemporary Kazakh Families (2020)
    51. Beissenova A., Zhunissova K. Family as an Institution of Gender Socialization (2020)
    52. Mukhanova A., Idresova U. Improving Family Law System Efficiency (2020)
    53. Iskakova M. Divorce in the Family and Its Psychological Impact on Adolescents (2020)
    54. Sharakhmetova U. Legal Regulation of Marriage Relations (2020)
    55. Otebai A., Buribaev E. Legal Regulation of Property Relations in Marriage Contracts (2020)
    56. Urishbaeva A. Modernization Processes in State Family Policy in Kazakhstan (2021)
    57. Sartaeva N. Legal Foundations of State Management in Family Policy (2021)
    58. Rezvushkina T. Marital Attitudes and Gender Stereotypes of Economically Successful Men in Kazakhstan (2022)
    59. Ablaeva E. Specialized Family Courts in Kazakhstan (2023)
    60. Iskakova Zh. Family Institution in the Vision of Kazakhstani Youth (2023)

    Research Grants and Dissertations
    1. Iskakova Zh. (2021). Family Policy in Kazakhstan: Interaction Between the State and Civil Society.
    2. Shabdenova A. (2020). Socio-Economic Status of Single-Parent Families in Almaty.
    3. Kuttygalieva A. (2021). Social Protection of Family, Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Childhood in Kazakhstan: Theoretical and Practical Issues.
    4. Makhadiyeva A. (2022). Ethno-Psychological Aspects of Social-Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Family Violence.
    5. Iskakova Zh. Marital and Reproductive Attitudes of Kazakhstani Youth by Ethnic Groups (2023-2025).
    6. Asymova D. Retrospective of Family History in the 20th-21st Century: Visual Nature of Traditions and Modernism in Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
    7. Temirbayeva D. (2022). Development of Organizational-Economic Mechanisms of Social Protection for Families with Children in Kazakhstan.
    8. Turebekov B. (2022). Integrated Services for Families in Difficult Life Situations in a Megacity.
    9. Sagidol N. (2022). State Policy to Increase Demographic Potential of Regions in Kazakhstan.
    10. Rakhmetova R. Prospects for Demographic Development of Regions in the Context of "Mangilik El" (2023-2025).
    11. Aubakirova Zh. Evaluation of Kazakhstan's Demographic Security Level (2023-2025).
    12. Alzhanova F. Study of Factors, Features, and Dynamics of Demographic Processes, Migration, Urbanization in Kazakhstan, Development of Digital Maps and Forecasts (2023-2025).
    13. Bodaoukhan K. Study of Demographic and Migration Processes in Northern Kazakhstan: Identifying and Analyzing Key Factors and Developing Regulation Methods (2023-2025).
    14. Kadirzhanov R. Ethno-Political Demography and Transformation of a Bipolar Society in Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
    15. Aubakirova Zh. Kazakhs as a Demographic Potential of Kazakhstan: Retrospective and Development Prospects (2023-2025).
    16. Iskakov U. Kazakh Model of Demographic Transition and Opportunities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development (2023-2025).
    Articles, Dissertations, Research (2019-2024)
    1. Izekenova A. Demographic Indicators of Aging in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019)
    2. Kurmashev I. Study of the Possibility of Applying the Agent-Based Approach to Modeling Demographic Processes (2019)
    3. Yeshankul K. Current Demographic Situation in Shymkent (2019)
    4. Nikishina O. Review of Theoretical and Applied Research in Demographic Forecasting (2019)
    5. Tabyldieva O. History of Demographic Research in Mangystau (2019)
    6. Abdimominova A. Analysis of Social and Demographic Situation in the Region (2019)
    7. Kurmashev I. Demographic Forecast Based on Fuzzy Logic (2019)
    8. Iskakova R. Social Demographic Problems of Quality of Life in Almaty (2019)
    9. Dosekeeva G. Impact of Demographic Policy on the Fate of the Nation (2019)
    10. Alshanskaya A. The Pension System and Demographic Challenges in Kazakhstan (2019)
    11. Aldangarqyzy A. Trends in Mortality and Life Expectancy in Kazakhstan (2019)
    12. Nyussupova G.N., Tazhiyeva D.A., Aubakirova G.B. Analysis of Quality of Life Indicators in Astana. Geography and Geoecology Issues (2019)
    13. Nyussupova G., Tokbergenova A. etc. The Electronic Atlas of Socio-Demographic Development of Kazakhstan's Regions: Creation and Stages (2019)
    14. Altayev A. Population of Kazakhstan: Trends from the 2009 Census to Present (2020)
    15. Tokmagambetova R., Makanova A. Analysis and Evaluation of Demographic Situation in Kyzylorda Region (2020)
    16. Uasheva A. Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Typology of Women Refusing Children (Nur-Sultan, 2020)
    17. Karimova M. Demographic Aging of Kazakhstan Population from National Censuses: Key Indicators and Trends (2020)
    18. Ermagambetova A. et al. Demographic Situation in Western Kazakhstan (2020)
    19. Karimova Zh. et al. International Experience in Family-Demographic Policy Development (2020)
    20. Aubakirova Zh., Stolyarova E. et al. Demographic Security of Kazakhstan as a Sustainable Development Factor (2020)
    21. Nyussupova G.N., Kenespaeva L.B. et al. Digitalization of Economic, Social, and Demographic Indicators of Quality of Life in Kazakhstan's Regions (2020)
    22. Nyussupova G., Kelinbayeva R. et al. Study of Demographic Indicators of Quality of Life for Sustainable Development in Almaty Region (2020)
    23. Nyussupova G.N., Aktymbaeva A.S. et al. Quality of Life of Kazakhstan Population: Approaches, Assessments, Prospects. "Kazakh University" 2021, ISBN 978-601-04-4810-0, 377 pages.
    24. Nyussupova G.N., Tazhiyeva D.A. et al. Urban Settlement of Kazakhstan: History and Current Analysis (2022)
    25. Alzhanova F. Demographic Consequences of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan (2022)
    26. Spankulova L. Demographic Processes in Kazakhstan: Current Trends and Future Forecasting (2022)
    27. Sagynbaeva A.Z. On Demographic Challenges in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022)
    28. Esemkhanova D. Cluster Analysis of Demographic Processes in Kazakhstan (2022)
    29. Daurenbekov A. Analysis of Regional Demographic Indicators in Kazakhstan (2022)
    30. Aldangarkyzy A. Analysis of Demographic Situation in Kazakhstan During Independence (1991-2021) (2023)
    31. Akhmetova Z. Analysis of Demographic Trends in Monocities of East Kazakhstan (2023)
    32. Kurganskaya V. Impact of Repatriation on Demographic Processes in Kazakhstan (2023)
    33. Sokira T. Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Demographic Processes in Kazakhstan (2023)
    34. Khalitova M., Yakovets T. Risks and Opportunities for Implementing Kazakhstan's Demographic Policy (2024)
    35. Bodaukhank K. et al. Demographic Issues in Northern Kazakhstan (2024)
    36. Kurganskaya V., Shaukenova Z. et al. Kandas and Demographic Processes in Kazakhstan (2024)
    37. Alpyssbayev K. General Trends in Demographic Situation in Kazakhstan: Gender Aspect (2024)
    38. Nyussupova G. et al. Regional Features of Demographic Processes in Western Kazakhstan (2024)
    39. Shokamanov Yu. Features of Demographic Transition in Kazakhstan's Regions (2024)
    40. Shokamanov Yu. Using Index Method in Birth Rate Analysis in Kazakhstan and its Regions (2009-2022) (2024)
    41. Kuanganov F. Issues of Demographic Research in Kazakhstan (2024).

    Research Grants and Dissertations
    1. Sagidol N. (2022). State Policy to Increase Demographic Potential in Kazakhstan's Regions.
    2. Rakhmetova R. Prospects for Demographic Development in Kazakhstan's Regions in the Context of "Mangilik El" (2023-2025).
    3. Aubakirova Zh. Evaluation of Demographic Security Level in Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
    4. Alzhanova F. Study of Demographic Processes, Migration, Urbanization in Kazakhstan, Development of Digital Maps and Forecasts (2023-2025).
    5. Bodaukhan K. Study of Demographic and Migration Processes in Northern Kazakhstan (2022-2024).
    6. Kadirzhanov R. Ethno-Political Demography and Society Transformation in Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
    7. Aubakirova Zh. Kazakhs as Demographic Potential of Kazakhstan (2023-2025).
    8. Iskakov U. Kazakh Model of Demographic Transition and Opportunities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development (2023-2025).
    Articles, Dissertations, Research (2019-2024)
    1. Zhubanova B. On Gender Models and Their Significance for Gender-Sensitive Education (2019)
    2. Shelemenzeva V. Current Issues in Gender Relations Development in Kazakhstan (2019)
    3. Sapargalikyzy Zh. Career Growth in Public Service from a Gender Equality Perspective: State, Problems, Prospects (2019)
    4. Abrarova A. Content and Issues of Gender Policy in Kazakhstan (2019)
    5. Usikov A. Gender Equality in Labor (2019)
    6. Ergebekov M. Issues in Introducing and Teaching Gender Equality in Media Schools in Kazakhstan (2019)
    7. Sarsenova A. Gender Aspects of Young Specialists' Employment Strategies (2019)
    8. Dauliyeva G. Solutions to Gender Issues in Kazakhstan's Labor Market (2019)
    9. Issimova A. Gender Stereotypes and Women's Career Advancement (2019)
    10. Tileubayeva M. Psychological Aspects of Gender Characteristics in Organizational Management (2019)
    11. Aimaganbetova O. Influence of Culture on Psychological Gender Differences (2019)
    12. Baktygali A. Gender Differences in Adolescent Aggressive Behavior (2019)
    13. Abdrakhan A. Media Influence on Gender Structure of Society (2019)
    14. Onyusheva I. Gender Aspect in Leadership: Who is Better in Leading Positions (2019)
    15. Tain L. Gender Aspects of Career Development in Mathematics in France and Kazakhstan (2019)
    16. Rodionova K. Female Representation and Gender Segregation in Kazakhstan's Academic Environment (2020)
    17. Absatov G., Nesterenya D. China's Gender Policy and Measures to Combat Gender Inequality (2020)
    18. Nesterenya D., Dauyen D. Modern Gender Policy in Kazakhstan (2020)
    19. Turebekova B. et al. Gender Statistics in Kazakhstan: Analysis of Indicators and Prospects for Women's Empowerment (2020)
    20. Shakarimov A. et al. Gender Equality in Family Planning (2020)
    21. Rakhmatullina A. et al. Analysis of Labor Market and Employment in the EAEU from a Gender Perspective (2020)
    22. Shomayeva D. Influence of Women's Gender Role in Traditional Kazakh Society on the Development of National Dance (2020)
    23. Issakozha B., Sadykova N. The Influence of Gender on Professional Identity (2020)
    24. Men D., Pak T. Participation of Korean Women in Kazakhstan’s Gender Policy (2020)
    25. Sabitova A., Mendulla D. International Protection of Women's Rights in Modern Times (2020)
    26. Chingisbaeva A. Labor Rights of Pregnant Women and Young Mothers (2020)
    27. Sapargalikyzy Zh., Seydumanov S. Kazakhstani Women in Public Administration: Institutional Conditions and Career Strategies (2021)
    28. Nyussupova G., Aidarkhanova G. etc. Gender Features of Kazakhstan's Labor Market in the Context of Sustainable Development (2022)
    29. Oshakbayeva N. Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Women's Career Growth in Kazakhstan (2022)
    30. Karimova F. Gender Inequality in Employment and Career Growth in Kazakhstan (2022)
    31. Smagulova Z. Development of Women's Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan: Problems and Prospects (2022)
    32. Serikzhanova A. Women's Participation in Kazakhstan's Political Life: Current Trends (2023)
    33. Satpayeva T. Gender Gap in Education Access in Kazakhstan (2023)
    34. Nyussupova G.N. et al. Gender Aspects of Employment in Kazakhstan's Labor Market: Spatial Analysis (2023)
    35. Nyussupova G., Aidarkhanova G. etc. Gender Features of Human Capital Development in Kazakhstan (2023)
    36. Asylgozhina R. Gender Quotas in Kazakhstan's Elections (2023)
    37. Beimisheva A. Gender Inequality in Education: International Experience and Kazakhstan (2023)
    38. Yerimpasheva A. Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Career Aspirations and Choice of STEM Students in Kazakhstan (2023)
    39. Nagymzhanova K. et al. Psychosemantics of Gender Consciousness in Kazakh Youth (2023)
    40. Bekebayeva A., Ataeva T. Strategies and Results of Gender Education in Kazakhstan (2024)
    41. Magauova A. Women Scientists in Kazakhstan: Innovations and Experience (2024)
    42. Nyussupova G.N., Aidarkhanova G.B. et al. Regional Analysis of Gender Inequality in Kazakhstan's Labor Market in the Context of Sustainable Development (2024)
    43. Marasulova A., Kulikpaeva M. Domestic Violence in Ensuring Gender Equality in Kazakhstan: Theoretical and Legal Aspects (2024)
    44. Akshit E. Current Issues in Gender Studies Education in Kazakhstan (2024)

    Research Grants and Dissertations
    1. Abdykulova G. (2021). Everyday Life of Women in Nur-Sultan (1991-2019)
    2. Lipovka A. (2021). Gender Aspects in Economic Management of Kazakhstan: Key Problems and Solutions (Case Study of Business Sector)
    3. Temirbekova Zh. Issues of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment within the Framework of "Mangilik El" as a Social State Project of Kazakhstan (2023-2025)
    4. Buribaev E. Recommendations and Proposals for Achieving Gender Equality: Study of Kazakhstan's Labor and Social Security Legislation (2023-2025)
    5. Bekebayeva A. Implementation of Gender Approaches in Kazakhstan's Educational Policy (2023-2025)
    6. Mukhamadieva A. Economic-Demographic Development of Kazakhstan: Gender Aspect (2023-2025)
    7. Toktarbekova L. Gender Equality in Islam: Islamic Feminism and Traditionalism (2023-2025)
    8. Agabekova Zh. Scientific Concept of Gender Education in Kazakhstan's Universities: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations (2023-2025)
    9. Kangalakova D. Mechanisms for Empowering Women in Scientific Activities for Innovative Economic Development of Kazakhstan (2023-2025)
    Materials from National Commission partners can be viewed at the link: